Monday, 20 May 2013

Almonday morning cookies

I have had possibly the most productive day I could have had (other than perhaps the last couple of hours spent playing the classic PC game Rise of Nations...) today. After an - all too rushed - awakening a couple of minutes to nine, only seconds before my driving instructor pulled into the drive, I had a really rather enjoyable driving lesson (no, I still haven't passed my test at 19 though I should have by the end of this challenge...). And back before most Uni students are even awake on most days off I got straight down to revising for my final year exam - which looms ever closer - this Thursday afternoon. I won't lie, I was kicking some serious revision ass. I had written two essays on existentialism and the economics of the new industrial estate (sounds rather complicated doesn't it... mainly because it is!) before lunch, so I decided I'd take a break to bake some delicious (but rather boringly named) "Almond Cookies with a Cherry On Top."
-Yes the name does what is required of a name but somehow I feel it is lacking in a bit of invention, or pizazzz. How about Cherry Surprises? (Almond being the surprise) Or Almond Suprise? (cherry being the surprise)... Or perhaps something which has no surprises at all but is still inventive! -
Perhaps things could have gone better... Firstly, I decided (for the good of my health and wallet) that halving the recipe would be necessary. A bad idea, I always forget one thing if I do this, today I ended up not halving the quantity for the amount of Almond the recipe asks for. Oh dear.
Secondly, I completely didn't read the book at all (again). I accidentally sifted the flour into the butter and sugar before I even began to melt the butter. But a bit of re-sifting meant it went into the pan largely flour-less.
I then added in what I thought was almond extract... Naturally, it was the vanilla extract! I definitely need some new form of storing all my spices, herbs and extracts in a way which is more easily "filed" ... But I figured that since I'd accidentally doubled the amount of ground almond I put in the recipe this might be ok...
So I ploughed on regardless of my challenge to do every recipe in the book TO THE LETTER , I figure they're more like guidelines anyway! As you might be able to tell from my writing style today, that this was no disaster at all. Usually I'd be throwing exclamation marks all over the place, inventing adjectives and filling in expletives' middle letters with asterisks by now. Yet, I'm as cool as a cucumber, calm as the lull before the storm and as collected as... pokémon cards. And why might that be??
IT ALL WORKED OUT!! Somehow, miraculously, everything went completely and extraordinarily to plan! Despite all these relatively major fudge ups the biscuits came out as right as rain, as tasty as chocolate, as delicious as knowing a dirty secret about your boss. They are lovely! I suppose it's about time my luck turned in my baking, every tiny mistake I;ve made so far really blew up in my face but today it all went swimmingly!
Oh wait. I forgot one thing... Remember I mentioned that I'd been revising really well until I decided to take a break? Well, I suppose something bad had to happen after all those mistakes; I've written no more than one or two more words of revision since the biscuits came out the oven. Dammit, I guess that's karma for you!

The Result: 

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