I can't decide what has been worse about this challenge, for the most part it has been an absolute joy but obviously 100 recipes in 100 days is no mean feat!
The main problem I have encountered, which has affected me the most has almost certainly been the monetary factor. A friend pointed out to me the other day that whenever he looks through a recipe book he looks at all the fancy recipes and thinks "ooh that looks good... But oh wait, I don't have that, this or that... Damn, I'll settle with a Victoria sponge!" Unfortunately, I can't simply settle with a Victoria sponge so I have had to get all those this's and that's and by god are they expensive!
But money isn't too big of a deal, especially considering I used to spend a lot of my money on eating anyway! No, the most difficult bit has definitely been the time constraint. Now I know it has all bee self inflicted but irregardless, 100 days is not easy. I've allowed myself no opportunity for breaks or rests, one per day, no more no less. It's very difficult! It has tested my drive and commitment almost to breaking point. I'll be first to admit that about halfway through I was fed up and wanted to stop the challenge but I knew that I'd never forgive myself if I couldn't finish it.
So here I am, the morning of the last day of the challenge. Tomorrow is the deadline (and I'm actually away all day and night, so have no time to bake tomorrow!) and I have still got five things to cook. Something I thought would be do able up until yesterday afternoon. Whilst at work I discovered, to my horror, that I had written down my dates wrong and am actually working today. Til five o'clock. I am crushed, I have five things to make and all of them will take an hour or so to do, just how am I going to fit them in? I have no clue, but I can tell you one thing for sure; I won't let you down.
Ill part with a gallery of all the baked goods I've made in the last week or so... Yeah, it's been a busy week!
The Results:

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