I have to say that these biscuits are easily - meant to be - the best looking biscuits in the book. The picture I have in front of me shows some beautiful cutesy looking flower shaped chocolate biscuits with a white icing centre topping in the centre and a drizzle of chocolate icing over the top... Mine clearly don't look quite like that!
Perhaps it's my fault for being a bad manager of time; I must admit, it has never been my strong point. But after waking up at nearly midday (gimme a break, I'm used to the student life, not the bakers' life!) I ended up fiddling about for about twenty minutes or so 'waking up' - which to me is simply getting my social network fix, having a look at the news and dragging myself downstairs for my second fix (this time caffeine!). By the time I am actually ready to do anything productive in the day it is almost half past one and today I needed to run some other errands first, so baking finally came into sight at 2.30.... Only an hour before I needed to be at the cinema to watch a film with my lovely girlfriend. Cue mad rush to bake the prettiest biscuits I have to make in the challenge. Rushing whilst attempting to be neat doesn't usually go well together unfortunately!
Yet in the end it seemed to pay off pretty well, although the chocolate took longer to set than anticipated, what I ended up with didn't look too far off from the pretty biscuits shown in the book. Well, the carefully chosen ones for my picture certainly didn't, the others... Well, I think it's best that we don't bother mentioning the others! But hell, they still look good!
The Result:
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